Protecting the planet, one block of land at a time.

Invest in Africa’s Wilderness Through Biodiversity Bonds

The marketplace

Buy a block. Protect the planet.


A long-term impact  investment that pays the planet and you. 
Each R3WILD land bond purchased is protecting a hectare of wilderness, restoring biodiversity, uplifting the local communities, and offsetting CO2. 

Whether you are an  institutional or individual investor, our investment process is simple and tailored to you.

Marketplace coming soon.

how it works

Buy a block.

Buy a land block.

Each Biodiversity Bond is attached to a physical hectare of land.

R3WILD experiences.

An impact investment

Investors benefit from annual carbon coupons and attractive yields, while making positive impact.


Real-time data reporting.

Access to impact and investment data in a personalised user dashboard.

Easy buy & sell.

Easy buy & sell.

Easily sell or transfer your land bonds at any time, without the hassle of legal papers and transfer fees.

Our Mission.

Our goal to protect over 6 million hectares of wilderness in Africa by 2030. We focus on connecting wilderness ecosystems, creating conservation corridors for animals and biodiversity to move freely and expand naturally. We implement ecotourism opportunities, creating thousands of jobs for local communities, educational opportunities and food sources.

HECTARES protected in africa
species protected
tonnes of Co2 offset

Our Team.

A team of rewilding and conservation experts with 25 years of experience, an extensive network and a successful track record having been integral to the restoration of wildlife projects across Africa and the conservation of endangered species.

Grant Fowlds

Dr Will Fowlds

Jess Harris

Brendan Gage

our partners

Frequently asked questions.

How do I buy R3WILD biodiversity bonds?
How is R3WILD land managed and protected?
Do I own the land?
Can I access my R3WILD land?
What are the benefits of investing in R3WILD land bonds?
Can I sell my land bonds?
What does the R3WILD roadmap look like?
How can I get in touch?
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